Much has been made recently of people "choosing" to spend their life on benefits, whilst this is possibly true for a small minority it isnt for the vast majority.
Imagine if you can worrying every single day about money that is a reality for people on benefits.
You dont sleep properly, you dont eat properly, you lose confidence in your abilities.
Many families are struggling as are many single people and it is fine to say "go get a job" where exactly are the jobs for someone who has been unemployed lets say for a year or more, the impact of that alone can be devastating and cannot be easily overcome.
The staff at the jobcentres for the most part are understanding, caring and are doing their best BUT it takes one person at the jobcentre to decide you arent doing enough to find work and you are sanctioned, you then have even less money, your self esteem is at an all time low, you are vunerable, your life isnt your own as it is always someone elses decision if you can eat that week, not the rosy picture that the press paint is it?
There are a lot of single parents out there who are wonderful, they care for their children and go without to make sure that their child has everything it needs, food, warm decent clothing but this Government wants more, they want single parents to leave their children and go to work, they refuse to take individual circumstances into consideration therefore potentially leaving children at risk, there is little or no childcare for a child over the age of 8 years and it remains unclear what this Goverment would have you do with your child whilst you are at work.
The benefit trap is the worst trap, designed to aid you when you are at your lowest but with little or no support it becomes a black hole from which people feel they cannot escape.
People on benefits are far more likely to fall prey to doorstep lenders, they target low income high unemployment estates.
Why would someone on benefits take out loans they obviously cannot afford, there are many reasons, some do it to buy food, gas, electric, yes that does happen regulalry, others do it to replace an item in the home that has broken for example a washing machine, fridge, freezer etc, some do it sadly because they want to feel "normal" just for a little while they want to go shopping for somethig other than the cheapest brand of food or clothing and although it might seem wrong it is a fact that people do take loans for this reason, it is a temporary fix and almost all come dow to earth with a huge bump, feeling guilty and wondering why they were persuaded by the nice loan collecter to take out that "small" top up loan.
The problem with loans is set to get worse now that the Government are taking away the social fund/crisis loans, that system was a lifeline for many as although it was a loan it was interest free and was taken directly from benefits therefore what you didnt have you couldnt spend.
Many more people on benefits are being treated for anxiety, depression and its related problems, we have read in recent months of couples taking their own lives because they cannot cope, there are also lots of young people who can see no future and have no hope, they too are taking their own lives and this has to stop!
The vilification of people on benefits fueled by many of the popular newspapers has to stop!
Imagine picking up a newpaper and yes shock horror people on benefits can read and do avidly, imagine being labelled as the scum of the earth, being held responsible for all the problems in this country, how would you feel?
How would your children feel to know that because their parent/s are on benefits they are the underclass, it isnt right and it has to stop!
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